Step into Sport
Students from Kingsmill and St Anne’s joined together with their counterparts at Wolfreton for a Youth Sport Trust ‘Step into Sport’ training day. Andy Watts, Inclusion Lead for the Humber region, said ‘This is a great opportunity for young leaders from Wolfreton, Kingsmill and St Anne’s to work together to take on leadership roles and be able to support students with additional needs. The students from Kingsmill and St Anne’s probably have more first-hand experience in the rules of table cricket and new age curling than those from Wolfreton, but we’re hoping everyone will learn from the sessions with the aim of them all becoming umpires. We are very lucky today to be joined by both John Mansfield, a Yorkshire Cricket Board Coach, and Craig McCann, GB Paralympic Cyclist. Craig will be sharing his personal experiences with the students.’
Craig McCann said ‘I am here today, supporting the Youth Sport Trust’s message that sport can change lives. When I was 19 I followed in family footsteps and applied to join the RAF. During the medical, they discovered I had a brain tumour and, following the operation to remove the tumour, I was left with nerve damage down one side of my body. This meant I could no longer join the RAF and so I needed to find another challenge. Sport became my challenge as I wanted to become the best in the world at what I did. I started as a Paralympic fencer, then moved across to the sport of cycling. I am here to encourage all of you students to become mentors and young leaders. You can open doors and help other people on their journey. I have benefitted from many people helping me and being aware of accessibility issues. For example, in my sport of Paralympic cycling, depending on your disability classification there are different solutions. I have an issue with balance so I use a trike but blind athletes will cycle on a tandem – it is knowing how to work with a wide range of disabilities to ensure inclusion.’
Following the presentation by Craig, students moved on to an afternoon session of practical activities focusing on table cricket and new age curling, with a view to becoming umpires.
Wolfreton PE teacher and SSCo Mr Marshall said ‘Our CSLA students took part in the Step into Sport training day, interacting with students from Kingsmill and St Anne’s, learning how to lead inclusion games such as table cricket. As always, our students were a real credit to themselves and Wolfreton. We’re hoping that they will be able to help at an inclusion event at Haltemprice later in the year.’