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Young people now have to make more decisions and choices about their lifestyle, education and future careers than any previous generation. Never before has the need for good information advice and guidance been more essential.  Students can access advice from their Tutors and Pastoral Managers about a range of matters from problems in lessons to bullying behaviour, but support can also be accessed from the following areas:

The Careers Leader 

Mrs Scaife is responsible for the implementation of the schools Careers Programme. This includes careers lessons, employer engagement activities, the careers fair, face to face IAG interviews, logonmoveon, apprenticeship information, work-related learning, career related visits and work experience. The full careers programme is available on the website and is updated annually at the end of the summer term.

You can find Mrs Scaife in the Careers Office in the Forum or you can contact her on 01482 659356 or email:

The Careers Advisor 

Mrs Iversen offers impartial information, advice and guidance on a range of issues but specifically on careers, jobs, training, further and higher education finance including 16-19 Bursary and options after Year 11. All students will be given a careers appointment during Year 11 but any student can request an appointment to see Mrs Iversen through their Pastoral Manager or the Careers Leader.

Information for Employers

At Wolfreton we are proud of our links with employers and the employer engagement activities that they participate in. These activities include careers speed networking, mock interviews, contributions to classroom based lessons, supporting enterprise activities and also work experience. If you would like to become involved in any of these activities or would like further information, please do not hesitate to contact the Careers Leader.

Information can also be accessed from the following websites:


Log On Move On

National Careers Service



Skills Hull & East Yorkshire


BBC Bitesize Careers