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The Wolfreton Experience

House System

Our House System is designed The Wolfreton Way! It exists alongside our pastoral system, complementing not replacing our Year Teams. All staff and students at Wolfreton are members of one of our five Houses: Nightingale, Owen, Rowntree, Tomlinson and Wilberforce.

Our Houses were named after individuals that emulated the ‘The Wolfreton Way’ of ‘Excellence, Endeavour and Respect’; each were also philanthropists – they were charitable and cared about others.

Our House System exists to build belonging, to develop character, to strengthen our community, and to bring another level of fun!

All of our House activity focuses on...

The 5 C’s:

  • Community
  • Competition
  • Collaboration
  • Charity, and
  • Championing Success

# 5 Houses 1 Team

Our Houses are undoubtedly competitive, but they also work together for the greater good, for example raising money for charity and delivering Christmas and Easter Cards to our local community.

A sample of recent House events includes:

House Points are awarded for participation and for winning. They are also the foundation of our rewards system with students achieving House Points when they show Excellence, Endeavour and Respect in lessons, around school and in extra-curricular activities.

Each year, Houses compete to win the House Cup. Find out more about our Houses here:

Nightingale House 

Named after Florence Nightingale, the founder of modern nursing and famous for her work in the Crimean War. Nightingale’s shield reflects her faithful service to others, specifically the nursing community, and improving the lives of others.

Head of House: Miss Woodmansey

Owen House

Named after Robert Owen, the founder of the co-operative movement. Owen’s shield reflects his readiness to serve and support others and his entrepreneurial skills.

Head of House: Miss Morris

Rowntree House 

Named after Joseph Rowntree, a determined businessman and philanthropist. Rowntree’s shield reflects virtue and learning and his commitment to education and charitable causes.

Head of House: Mr Hornshaw

Tomlinson House

Named after Jane Tomlinson CBE, an amateur athlete who raised substantial amounts for charity despite suffering from terminal cancer. Tomlinson’s shield reflects strength and the ability to complete seemingly impossible challenges.

Head of House: Mr Aygun

Wilberforce House 

Named after William Wilberforce, the leader of the movement to abolish the slave trade and a philanthropist. Wilberforce’s shield reflects conscience and honour against evil.

Head of House: Mr King