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The Consortium Academy Trust is the admissions authority for Wolfreton School and Sixth Form College.   

The Secondary Admissions Policy can be found here

Applications for admission to Year 7 

Applications to Year 7 at Wolfreton are coordinated by the East Riding of Yorkshire Council.  These admissions (at the end of Year 6) are part of our normal school admissions arrangements.  

Applications for admission to Year 7 at Wolfreton must be made in October of the year before admission.  If you are resident outside the East Riding, you should apply through your own local authority.  You must do this even if your child attends a primary school in the East Riding.  You should name Wolfreton as your preference on the form.   

Admission in September 2025 

Deadline for applications to your local authority: 31st October 2024 

Local Authority notification of school place: 1st March 2025 

Further information on East Riding of Yorkshire Council’s coordinated admissions scheme can be found here

Further information on Hull City Council’s coordinated admissions scheme can be found here. To make an application for Year 7 in September 2025, please click on the link to the Citizen Portal for the East Riding of Yorkshire Council here

After the 31 October 2024 deadline, please contact the School Admissions team on 

In-year admissions 

To apply for a place at Wolfreton in Year 7 after 1 September, and for admission into Years 8 to 11, as a parent, you must make an ‘In-year admission’.   

To apply for your child to transfer to Wolfreton, you will have to apply to the local authority responsible for the area where you live.  Further information is available here, on the East Riding of Yorkshire Council’s website.  For parents living within the East Riding, the council will ask you to complete and submit an In Year Application Form.  If you live outside the East Riding, you should apply to your ‘home’ local authority.   

Although we are an academy and The Consortium Academy Trust is our admissions authority, we have formally arranged for the East Riding to manage applications for school places through their coordinated admission scheme for in-year applications.  Applications are considered in the order that they are received, and the school fully adheres to the East Riding Fair Access Protocol. 


Appeals will be dealt with in accordance with the School Admission Appeals Code which came into effect on 1st February 2012.  Should an application for a place at Wolfreton be unsuccessful, parents/carers will be notified of their legal right of appeal against the decision of the Admissions Authority. 

Appeals are for entry into Year 7 to start secondary school for the first time – what are called ‘normal’ admission requests – are usually held in the summer term after parents / carers have been notified of the refusal of a school place, commonly in June and July. 

Appeals for ‘in-year’ admission requests are normally held within 30 school days of the date your appeal is received.  You will be notified of your date of appeal no later than ten school days before the appeal is due to take place.