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Year 8

The Year 8 Team is led by the Head of Year 8, is supported by the Year 8 Pastoral Manager.  The team begin to work with the year group during their final term of Year 7, alongside the Year 7 Team.  Strategic leadership is provided by Mrs Perry - Assistant Headteacher - Head of Lower School. 

Year 8 Form Tutors meet their Form every morning at Roll Call and lead them in Form Time.  Wherever possible, tutors move up through the school with their Tutor Group. 

Head of Year 8  Mr S Hewick 
Year 8 Pastoral Manager  Mrs S Haywood 

Year 8 Forms and Form Tutors 

8ADA Miss Davidson
8ARO Mrs Roberts 
8AWH Mr Whiteley 
8HPU Miss Putnam 
8JAY Mr Aygun 
8JKE Mrs Kelly 
8KBU Miss H Walmsley 
8PRO Mr P Rowe 
8RED Mrs Al Edany 
8RWE Miss Welburn 


Assistant Headteacher - Head of Lower School Mrs J Perry

Progress Evening

The Year 8 Progress Evening takes place in the spring term.  A letter will be sent to families inviting parents to book appointments through our online booking system.  Dates can be found in the school calendar. 


Two progress data reports are published each year.  One in the spring term and one in the summer term.  Dates can be found in the school calendar.