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Year 9

The Year 9 Team is led by the Head of Year 9, supported by the Year 9 Pastoral Manager.  Wherever possible, these colleagues and the Year 9 Form Tutors will have moved up from Year 8 with the Year Group.  Strategic leadership is provided by Mrs Perry - Assistant Headteacher - Head of Lower School. 

Head of Year 9  Mr J Slater 
Year 9 Pastoral Manager  Mrs N Corlass 
Year 9 Forms and Form Tutors  9AED Mrs Edwards 
9TMA Mrs Marrow
9BTO Mr Tonks 
9DWR Mr Wright 
9EHO Mrs Holford 
9FMO Miss Morris 
9GDI Mrs Dibnah
9LAI Miss Airey 
9PWE Mr Weatherald 
9RKI Mr King 


Assistant Headteacher – Head of Lower School  Mrs J Perry 

Subject Preferences (for Key Stage 4 subjects) 

In the spring term, Year 9 students begin the Subject Preferences process.  This process involves students learning more about the subjects the can express a preference to study at Key Stage 4.  Information is provided to parents as part of the Year 9 Progress Evening.  The latest Year 9 Subject Preferences Booklet can be found here

Progress Evening

The Year 9 Progress Evening takes place in the spring term.  A letter will be sent to families inviting parents to book appointments through our online booking system.  Dates can be found in the school calendar. 


Two progress data reports are published each year.  One in the spring term and one in the summer term.  Dates can be found in the school calendar.