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Year 10

The Year 10 Team is led by the Head of Year 10, supported by the Year 10 Pastoral Manager.      Strategic leadership is provided by Mr Carruthers - Assistant Headteacher - Head of Upper School. 

Head of Year 10  Mr S Hemsley 
Year 10 Pastoral Manager  Mrs A Painter 
Year 10 Forms and Form Tutors  10ARM Mr Richardson-Medd 
10AWT Miss Watkins 
10CSI Mr Sinclair 
10JDW Mr Dowsland 
10JTH Mr Thornham 
10JWK Mr Wilkinson 
10LDU Miss Dunleavy 
10JKI Miss Kingdom
10NBA Mrs Bainbridge 
10VWO Miss Woodmansey 


Assistant Headteacher – Head of Upper School  Mr M Carruthers 

Progress Evening

The Year 10 Progress Evening takes place in the spring term.  A letter will be sent to families inviting parents to book appointments through our online booking system.  Dates can be found in the school calendar. 


Two progress data reports are published each year.  One in the spring term and one in the summer term.  Dates can be found in the school calendar.