Year 11
The Year 11 Team is led by the Head of Year 11, supported by the Year 11 Pastoral Manager. Strategic leadership is provided by Mr Carruthers - Assistant Headteacher - Head of Upper School.
Head of Year 11 | Mr S Walsh | |
Year 11 Pastoral Manager | Miss C Cater | |
Year 11 Forms and Form Tutors* (Please note, from the spring term, students are regrouped to benefit from specialist intervention during Form Time). |
11AHO | Mr Hornshaw |
11ALA | Mrs Lamghafari | |
11ATO | Mr Tolson | |
11DKE | Mr Kemp | |
11DSM | Mrs Smith | |
11JAD | Mr Addy | |
11JBA | Mr Bates | |
11LGA | Miss Garnier | |
11RML | Mr Milner | |
11LHO | Miss Holbrook |
Assistant Headteacher – Head of Upper School | Mr M Carruthers |
Parents Evenings
There are a number of evenings for Year 11 families across the year. An overview is provided below and dates can be found in the school calendar.
Year 11 Launch and Success Fair:
This event takes place at the start of Year 11. It includes presentations on the year ahead, information about study and revision skills and presentations from leaders in the core subjects. All subjects are represented in a Subject Fair enabling parents to learn more about the support available in Year 11. Recommended revision materials are also available to order.
Sixth Form Open Evening and Careers Fair:
This evening also takes place in the first half of the autumn term, providing students and their families with the opportunity to learn more about the Sixth Form and, to begin the application process. For those planning a different post-16 route, the careers fair provides an opportunity to speak to a range of providers about the courses and apprenticeships they offer.
Progress Evenings:
There are two Year 11 Progress Evenings. One takes place in the autumn term and a second, in the spring term. A letter will be sent to families inviting parents to book appointments through our online booking system. Dates can be found in the school calendar.
Two progress data reports are published each year. One in the autumn term and one in the spring term. Dates can be found in the school calendar.
External Exams
Information on the Year 11 external exams can be found here.