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Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Provision

At Wolfreton, we are ambitious for all of our SEND students.  Our Director of Inclusion (SENDCO) is part of our extended leadership team and ensures that the needs and ambitions of our SEND students and families remain at the fore of our minds when making decisions and shaping developments.   

We firmly believe that all students should benefit from being in a school where they feel they belong, and where they can follow an inclusive and enriching curriculum.  To achieve this, all students with SEND should be fully integrated into school life and fully involved in mainstream lessons, activities, social times and extra-curricular activities.   

Our Learning Support team are experienced in providing for students with a wide range of learning and physical needs.  Alongside this team, we continue to develop the expertise of all staff as we fundamentally believe that we are all teachers of SEND.  

Our Achievement Centre provides a carefully designed base for our Learning Support Team, with dedicated spaces for small group lessons and interventions.  Provisions here help to ensure that whilst students with SEND are fully included in mainstream lessons and school life, they are able to receive personalised input around life/social skills and a variety of other bespoke interventions.  As well as having access to a quiet space on the occasions they need it.   

Our SENDCOs work closely with our partner primary schools, with staff in primaries beyond our catchment where children choose to join our school and with other professionals.  At the key transition points (including Key Stage 3 to 4, and transitions post-16 and post-18) our SENDCOs work closely with our Year Teams, Careers Team and external partners.  This work ensures that transitions are as successful as possible. 

Who is our SENDCO and what is their role? 

The role of the SENDCO (Special Educational Needs Coordination) is as the expert in school on all Special Educational Needs.  They are a teacher who coordinates the provision the school makes for children with special educational needs or disabilities.  The SENDCO will not be directly involved with every child with SEND however, they will coordinate the interventions and advice given to the Pastoral Team and teachers on how best to support every child. 

The SENDCO will lead on all students with an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP).    

At Wolfreton, we have two SENDCOs: 

  • Mrs B Norton is the Director of Inclusion and SENDCO
  • Mrs B Morton is the Deputy Director of Inclusion and SENDCO

Further Information can be found here: 

  • Our SEND Policy can be found here.
  • Our SEND Information Report can be found here.

The SEND Team can be contacted on: 

Phone:      01482 659356
