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Teaching and Learning Framework

As a school, we champion the expertise of our professional subject-specialist teachers.  Our teachers have an in-depth knowledge of their subjects and know how to teach them well.  This subject teaching is underpinned by a coherent, research-informed teaching and learning framework that we have played an active role co-constructing with fellow teaching and learning leaders across our Trust.  Our teachers use this to construct schemes of learning and lessons, judging which elements to prioritise when to maximise learning for their students. 

The purpose of the framework is to: 

  • Support our students to achieve what they are capable of and develop their capacity for metacognitive thinking.   

  • Provide a common language that facilitates conversation about teaching and learning. 

  • Provide opportunities for teaching staff to share and learn from great practice, including having access to high quality professional development. 

  • Provide the expertise and tools, for leaders, to lead constructive conversations on the effectiveness of teaching and learning.