PSHE – Learn It Live It!
Our PSHE Curriculum is carefully designed around the recommended three strands:
- Health and Wellbeing
- Relationships and Sex Education
- Living in the Wider World
As with our academic subject curriculums, in planning our PSHE curriculum, we have determined the knowledge that will be taught and the reason why it forms part of our curriculum. This reasoning will include but not be limited to, the statutory guidance, guidance from professional associations and our local context.
To maximise impact, a fortnightly PSHE lesson is timetabled across all year groups. Carefully selected Enrichment Days, for example Prison Me No Way (Year 9), complement this programme.
Key Stage 3 PSHE Curriculum
Year 7 |
Year 8 |
Year 9 |
Who Am I?
- Introduction to PSHE
- Who am I? (Identity)
- Self-awareness
- New beginnings
- Building resilience
- Sex, relationships, and lifestyle choices
- Break ups
- STIs / HIV
- Introduction to contraception
- Consent
Lifestyle Choices
- Substance abuse
- Alcohol
- Smoking
- Illegal Highs
- Ethics of drug use
- Drug laws
- Anti-social behaviour / gang
British Values
- Introduction to British Values
- Multicultural Britain
- Democracy
- Tolerance
- Rule of Law
- Individual Liberty
- Mutual Respect
- Consent
- Identity - LGBQTA+
- Drugs
Healthy Relationships
- Healthy relationships
- Friendships – What makes a good friend
- Peer pressure, influence and toxic friendships
- Bullying
- Avoiding dangerous relationships and setting boundaries
- Puberty – physical and emotional changes
Emotional Wellbeing
- Mental Health and emotional wellbeing
- Healthy mind
- Depression / Anxiety
- Bereavement
Self-Awareness / Relationships RSE
- Positive body image
- Sexting
- Controlling relationships
- Domestic abuse / violence
- LGBQT+ relationships
- Homophobia / transphobia
- Racism
- Why is education important?
- Future success
- Settling goals for the future
- Employment skills
Online (E) Safety
- Digital Footprint
- Cyberbullying
- Online influences
- Online grooming
- Staying safe online
Money Management
- Introduction to money management
- Rights and responsibilities
- Budgeting
- Cost of living
- Understanding debt
- Raising Aspirations
- Decision Making (Pathways)
- Employability Skills
- Social media
- Smashing stereotypes
- CV writing / personal statements
- Labour Market Information
Healthy Lifestyles
- Introduction to puberty
- Personal hygiene
- Growing up
- Self-esteem and body image
- Physical and emotional changes
Financial Awareness
- Ethical spending
- Moving out
- Learning to drive
Crime Awareness
- Criminal Justice System
- Radicalisation
- Religious extremism
Key Stage 4 PSHE Curriculum
Year 10 |
Year 11 |
Diversity (RS)
- What is diversity?
- Diversity in Britain (British Values)
- Racism
- Radicalisation / Extremism
Staying Safe
- Live streaming/Virtual reality/ augmented/gaming
- Gambling
- Gangs, anti-social behaviour and knife crime
- Drugs / Festivals / Parties
- Psychoactive Drugs
- County Lines
- Cosmetics and Aesthetics
- Safe sex
- Positive relationships
- Unhealthy relationships, domestic violence and rape
- Teenage pregnancy and abortion
- Parenting
- Pornography (Myths vs reality)
- Sexual assault and harrassment
- Domestic abuse
- Pornography materials / attitudes
- Pornography vs real life
- FGM – Law
- FGM – Campaign
Mental Wellbeing
- Role models
- Leadership
- Addiction
- Self-harm / suicide
- Eating disorder
Money Management
- Payment methods
- Budgeting
- Borrowing money
- Inflation
- Currency
- Exchange rate
Careers (Work Experience Preparation)
- Introduction to Work Experience
- Career journey
- Post 16 Pathways
- Health and Safety
- Employability passport / skills
- WE Preparation
- WE Reflection and Feedback
Global Ethics Society (RS)
- Business ethics
- Global conflicts
- Global inequalities
- Religion in the UK
- Religion in the media
- Environmental ethics
The Family (RS)
- Marriage
- Forced marriages
- The Family
- The Elderly
To understand more about the curriculum content in each strand, open the links below:
Health and Wellbeing
Unit Overview |
Year 7 |
Who Am I? (PSHE)
- Introduction to PSHE
- Who am I? (Identity)
- Self-awareness
- New beginnings
- Building resilience
Healthy Lifestyles (PSHE)
- Introduction to puberty
- Personal Hygiene
- Growing up
- Self-esteem and body image
- Physical and emotional changes
Year 8 |
Choices (PSHE)
- Consent
- Identity LGBQTA+
- Drugs
Emotional Wellbeing (PSHE)
- Mental Health and emotional wellbeing
- Healthy mind
- Depression / Anxiety
- Bereavement
Resilience (PSHE)
Year 9 |
Lifestyle Choices (PSHE)
- Substance abuse
- Alcohol · Smoking / vaping
- Illegal Highs
- Ethics of drug use
- Drug laws
- Anti-social behaviour / gangs
Year 10 |
Mental Wellbeing
- Role Models
- Leadership
- Addiction
- Self-harm / suicide
- Eating Disorders
Year 11 |
Staying Safe
- Live streaming / virtual reality / augmented / gaming
- Gambling
- Gangs, anti-social behaviour and knife crime
- Drugs / Festivals / Parties
- Psychoactive Drugs · County Lines
- Cosmetics and Aesthetics
Relationships and Sex Education
Unit Overview |
Year 7 |
Healthy Relationships (PSHE)
- Healthy relationships
- Friendships – What makes a good friend?
- Peer Pressure, influence and toxic friendships
- Bullying
- Avoiding dangerous relationships and setting boundaries
- Puberty – Physical and emotional changes
Reproduction (Science)
- Why do different organisms reproduce sexually and asexually?
- How do male and female reproductive systems work?
- What is IVF and the advantages and disadvantages to it? (2)
- What is the menstrual cycle and why is it important I need to learn about it?
- How does lifestyle affect pregnancy?
- What are the different stages of birth and how are they triggered?
Year 8 |
- Introduction to sex, relationships and lifestyle choices
- Break ups
- STIs / HIV
- Introduction to contraception
- Consent
Year 9 |
Self-Awareness / relationships RSE (PSHE)
- Positive body image
- Sexting
- Controlling relationships
- Domestic abuse / violence
- LGBQTA+ relationships
- Homophobia / Transphobia
- Racism
Year 10 |
Relationships (PSHE)
- Safe sex
- Positive relationships
- Unhealthy relationships, domestic violence and rape
- Teenage pregnancy and abortion
- Parenting
- Pornography (Myth vs reality)
The Family (RS)
- Marriage
- Forced Marriages
- The Family
- The Elderly
Year 11 |
B5 (Science)
- Contraception
- Treating infertility
- Sexual assault Domestic abuse
- Pornography materials / attitudes
- Pornography vs real life
- FGM – Law
- FGM – Campaign
Living in the Wider World
Unit Overview |
Year 7 |
British Values (PSHE)
- Introduction to British Values
- Multi-cultural Britain
- Democracy
- Tolerance
- Rule of Law
- Individual Liberty
- Mutual Respect
Careers (PSHE)
- Why is education important?
- Future success
- Setting goals for the future
- Employment skills
Online (E) Safety (PSHE)
- Digital Footprint
- Cyberbullying
- Online influences
- Online grooming
- Staying safe online
Year 8 |
Money Management (PSHE)
- Introduction to money management
- Rights and responsibilities
- Budgeting
- Cost of living
- Understanding debt
Financial Awareness (PSHE)
- Ethical spending
- Moving out
- Learning to drive
E-Safety Part 1 (Computing – Unit 8.1)
- How do students manage the dangers of posting online?
- Why is Digital Footprint important and how is it linked to security?
E-Safety Part 2 (Computing – Unit 8.6)
- What type of content is it inappropriate to share and what can be done if it is?
Year 9 |
Careers (PSHE)
- Raising aspirations
- Decision making
- Employability skills
- Social media
- Smashing stereotypes
- CV writing / personal statements
- Labour Market Information
Crime Awareness (PSHE)
- Criminal Justice System
- Radicalisation
- Religious extremism
- Prevent
E-Safety (Computing – Unit 9.1)
- How to stay safe and know what information to share
Networks HTML and Cyber Security (Computing – Unit 9.4)
- What is the internet and WWW?
- What are the most common forms of cyber attack?
- How can network systems be protected from attacks?
Year 10 |
Diversity (RS)
- What is diversity?
- Diversity in Britain (British Values)
- Racism
- Radicalisation / Extremism
Careers (Work Experience Preparation) (PSHE)
- Introduction to work experience
- Career journey
- Post 16 Pathways
- Health and Safety
- Employability passport / skills
- Work Experience preparation
- Work Experience reflection and evaluation
Year 11 |
Money Management (PSHE)
- Payment methods
- Budgeting
- Borrowing money
- Inflation
- Currency
- Exchange rates
Global Ethics Society (RS)
- Business ethics
- Global conflicts
- Global inequalities
- Religion in the UK
- Religion in the media
- Environmental ethics
Subjects across the school, including but not limited to Religious Education, geography and history, and computing will develop this further knowledge and understanding in this area |