School Trips and Visits
As a school we believe in the value of trips and visits, and we plan these in line with our vision of Igniting Fires and Expanding Horizons.
The exact range of visits on offer can vary each year. Whilst a selection run every year, the offer will depend on a range of factors including venue availability. One thing we are committed to is a core offer that ensures that all students can experience educational visits across Key Stage 3. This year, Tropical World or Lincoln Castle, and the Yorkshire Wildlife Park is on offer for Year 7, with Bridlington beach studies or the Space Centre in Leicester for Year 8, and Dalby Forest river studies and of course the Go Ape adventure, or the Holocaust Museum for Year 9.
Many other optional visits make up our complete offer. These elective visits may be planned to further enrich learning in a subject, or to provide wider experiences with friends. Many are day trips, but several residential visits are also run to complete our offer.
A sample of visits that have taken place recently or are already calendared can be seen below.
Letters advertising school trips are sent to parents via Arbor. Following their return, we share stories and photographs through The Wolfreton Way Newsletter.
Visit The Consortium Sixth Form College Instagram here, to find out more about Sixth Form trips and visits.