Our School Day
Time |
All Year Groups |
8.00 | Gates open |
8.10 - 8.25 | Locker access / Prepared for Learning opens |
8.30 | Roll Call Line Up (Gates closed) |
8.35 - 8.40 | Roll Call |
8.40 - 8.55 | Tutor Time |
8.55 - 9.55 | Lesson 1 |
9.55 - 10.55 | Lesson 2 |
10.55 - 11.15 | Break |
11.15 - 12.15 | Lesson 3 |
12.15 - 13.00 | Lunch |
13.00 - 14.00 | Lesson 4 |
14.00 - 15.00 | Lesson 5 |
15.00 - 16.00 | End of the formal school day Elective extra - curricular activities |
Our school day is from 8:30 – 15:00 (6.5 hours) Monday – Friday.
Total hours per week 32.5 hours.
Student Drop Off and Pick Up
The vast majority of our students travel to school on foot or by cycle, therefore road safety is of paramount importance to their safety. Wherever possible, we ask parents / carers who choose to drop their children off to do so at Willerby Square to reduce congestion in the immediate vicinity of the school.
If you need to drop your child off at the school by car, we ask that you do not park on the yellow lines in front of either the Well Lane or Carr Lane entrance. Furthermore, we ask you show consideration to our neighbours by ensuring you do not park across their driveways and to avoid parking in any way that would prevent traffic from flowing freely.
The layby within the school grounds on Well Lane may be used for quick drop-offs or collections. This space is particularly busy at the start and end of day so please do not block either the layby or the approach, as this is also the main school entrance.
Parents/carers should not use the school car park at the front of school for student drop off or collection. These facilities are reserved for staff, visitors, the Consortium coach and families with accessibility needs throughout the school day. In addition, this protects any children who do need to move across this space.