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Subject Curriculums

Our subject teachers have designed curriculums so that our students can learn a breadth and depth of knowledge and master the skills to apply this knowledge.  Careful sequencing of knowledge and skills first builds on learning acquired during Key Stage 2, and then, on each topic, term and year that follows through the secondary years.   

Individual subjects have determined the core concepts, themes or strands that run through their subject.  Our staff know that understanding these concepts, themes or strands is fundamental to our student's achieving success.  Collaboratively, teams have agreed their ‘Curriculum Intent’ or ‘strapline’ to convey the importance of their subject and the passion they have for it. 

Curriculum Overviews 

Half-termly subjects are shared with parents and carers.  These provide a brief overview of the curriculum for each year group. 

Click below to review the overview for this term: 

Year 7

Year 8

Year 9

Year 10

Year 11