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Teaching & Learning

Learning Support

Wolfreton School and Sixth Form College values the abilities and achievements of all of its students and is committed to providing the best possible experience and environment for learning for all.  We aim to help all students with SEND to fulfil their potential and to promote their self-confidence, motivation and commitment.

Wolfreton is a socially inclusive school.  We have adopted a whole-school approach to learning support and SEND policy and practice.  As far as practicable, all students are fully integrated into mainstream classes and every effort is made to provide full access to the National Curriculum and to ensure integration with all aspects of the school.  Adaptations to the curriculum are made where this best supports a student’s progress.  Where necessary, especially in the case of students with physical and/or sensory impairment, the timetable is written to allow access to specialist facilities, in line with the ethos of inclusion and the requirements of legislation.

In compliance with the SEN Code of Practice there is a graduated approach to the identification, provision and support of all students deemed to require special educational provision. 

The school’s SENDCO leads the Learning Support Team and staff to meet the needs of students with SEND.

Learning Support Faculty 

The Learning Support Faculty is a large department consisting of SENDCo, SEN teachers and Teaching Assistants who have a wide range of expertise and interests. The Faculty works to make suitable provision for students with SEN and share the responsibility of SEN students with all teaching staff.

The Learning Support Faculty visits and liaises closely with our partner primary schools during the summer term to ensure any information regarding a student’s SEN is passed on to the teaching staff at Wolfreton. Non-feeder primary schools also provide us with written information and files for students with SEN. All information is collated into a confidential SEN Bulletin which is given to all teaching staff at the start of the Autumn term and updated as required.

On entry to the school, students’ reading comprehension and spelling skills are assessed and this information is used to identify any literacy intervention that a student may require. Students who receive intervention are reassessed at the end of the year to track progress and review intervention needs.

All teachers work to meet the needs of all students, including those with special needs and gifted and talented students, in ordinary classes where possible. This may include support through extra staff in classes or small withdrawal groups. The support arrangements can involve limited or extended support and setting in some cases.


  • Mrs Harris (SENDCO and Area Improvement Leader - Learning Support)
  • Mrs Morton (Teacher of Learning Support)
  • Ms Wood (Teacher of Learning Support)

At Key Stage 3 students may benefit from a range of interventions which are provided as appropriate. These include:

  • Literacy
  • Numeracy
  • Speech and Language
  • Social Skills
  • Teaching Assistant In-class Support

At Key Stage 4 some students may benefit from the Foundation Learning Package.

The school is fitted with ramps for wheelchair access and lifts for students with physical disabilities in accordance with the Disability Discrimination Act 1995. We have an excellent record of integrating disabled students. Wolfreton is a socially inclusive school and treats all students equally.

Illness and Injury

As a socially inclusive school we recognise our responsibility for students’ learning while they are absent from school due to longer-term illness or injury. Working in partnership with the Home Tuition Service we aim to ensure that any child absent from school due to health or injury receives adequate education in an alternative setting to the school to minimise the disruption to education and maintain continuity in students’ learning so that, wherever possible, they continue to make progress. In the event of a student being absent due to longer term illness or injury the Head of Year / Pastoral Manager will maintain links with home. In addition to encouraging peers, where appropriate to maintain contact, the Head of Year / Pastoral Manager will liaise with staff and parents/carers to ensure that appropriate work is provided and completed

The SEND Policy and the SEND Local Offer can be found under Policies in the Information section.